Sunday, December 30, 2007

Okay, Just for you.

Hope you're happy Steve. First pic, RIGHT after I got out of bed, dressed, and muddled batteries into the camera to take it outside. Second pic, 3am, after shaving and buzzing, dead tired, and taken inside with a spotlight on me to get enough that it didn't back out. LOL

Friday, December 28, 2007

Why do you love Discovery.

Bear Grylls, Mike Rowe, Tori, Jamie, and Adam. Do I really need to say more? I think not.
Okay, 36 hours of being awake. Mixing up emails, LOL Sorry about that! And dealing with people whining because they have to wash their dishes by hand for a whole two weeks, I am finally going to be getting some sleep.

Will be cutting the hair, and shaving the face just because someone asked all nice like. Will be taking before and after. Watch the transformation before your very eyes!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

People, and why some should walk off a cliff.

So, I got a call today. An older lady. Legally blind. Apparently, she had a neighbor read the stuff off, and write it down for her. I'm still trying to figure out why, if she's blind, she had the neighbor right it down instead of stay and make the call for her.

Needless to say, the neighbor read it wrong. Not the first time. Had a lot of customers do that. Generally, I can ask if they have access to the dishwasher, and have them double check, ten times out of ten? They had it wrong, we get the right one down. Now. Instead of understanding this, the woman starts ranting, for a solid six minutes. (And I get paid per minute, so I wasn't complaining about it.) About how she will NEVER Buy this brand again, all because of me. Because her neighbor is such a smart bright woman who can't possibly have read it wrong. And it's now my fault her blood pressure is going up.

Yeah... Love people. Almost as good as the barely out of their teens who threaten to sue when they can't read the tags.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Here it goes

Well well, a blog will you look at that. Maybe now I'll have somewhere to post about the idiots I have calling in for my work. I never would have thought that working from home would pay as good as it does. None of the scamming either. Legit work. Nice to have it, and if I move? Long as they do it in the state I move to, I can keep right on going. How sweet is that? Aight, got work in about.. 8 hours. Here's to hoping I get to sleep before it.